Image Policy

On RunningPhysio we aim to be as fair as possible with the use of images. Where we can we will create original images but in some cases we may use images from research articles or other sites. We do this to clarify information for the reader and aid in their understanding of a condition and it’s rehab.

We always provide credit for images used and only use images from research articles freely available online. We endeavour to never use clearly copyrighted material or images from articles that require a paid subscription.

As a mainly educational site our policy aims to fit within “fair use” of material, by linking to freely available journal articles we increase their number of visitors and ensure no loss of revenue.

We use a “no-hassle” policy when it comes to any contentious images on the site. If you feel we are using material from your journal inappropriately please contact RunningPhysio via the site and the images will be removed immediately.

Many Thanks

Tom Goom

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